The Plant That Helps

Okra has been around since the 12th century.
Although most people cook Okra, not very many people drink it.  Through our experience, drinking Okra, in its entirety including the (mucilage), has been the most beneficial for our consumer’s health. It tastes like cucumbers with dressing on it 🙂
Now we want to share this with the whole world and show the positive benefits it has in people’s lives and health.. Our Vision is “A Healthy America”.

The Benefits

  • Vitamins

Vitamin A, B, and C. Vitamin K. Vitamin B6 and Vitamin B12. Folate, Fiber, Iron, Calcium, Lectin, Magnesium,  Zeaxanthin, Potassium, Protein, and so much more.

OKRA contains no additives, preservatives, or food coloring. It’s all 100% natural.

  • Health first
  • Manages and lowers Diabetes.
  • Helps fight fatigue.
  • Controls hunger for weight loss.
  • Helps fight Liver disease.
  • Stabilizes cholesterol.
  • Fortified Bones.
  • Boosts Immunity.
  • Improves eyesight.
  • Keeps asthma in check.
  • Promotes a healthy pregnancy.

Energy drinks are the go to for people who are looking for a boost throughout their day. As we were discovering Okra, we realized that it has the same effect. We started drinking it before we exercised, before going on a hike, or going to the gym. We realized that it has an All Natural Boost! Imagine the same energy without the crash!

Okra on Tree

The Story

On a night of February 2017, Hector A., owner of OKRA – The Plant That Helps, experienced an excruciating pain in his stomach and back. He was admitted to the Hospital as soon as the doctor found out his pancreas was twice the normal size. He was diagnosed with both Pancreatitis and Type 2 Diabetes. The news of Diabetes was detrimental for him.

Being around others who have had the disease and witnessing close personal friends die from it was something that sent him into a depression.

Thinking that he would have to cut all of the food that he once loved because of his passion for culinary arts and owning his own restaurant, he was really struggling with this. Becoming a vegetarian was something that would be very difficult, but through daily prayer, he was willing to gather his strength and make that change if necessary.

He made a promise with G_d, that if he was healed from this, he would dedicate his life to helping others.

After being hospitalized for 3 days and watching videos about living with type 2 diabetes, he was finally discharged. The nurse that helped him with the discharge papers said to him, “If you want to get better, cut some Okra, put it in a cup with water, leave overnight and drink it the next day”.

His first thought was that he had never heard of OKRA, and he also thought that if you got diabetes, you had to live with it forever. His curiosity sent him into a spiral of researching about the benefits of OKRA, where it came from, and why it is not a household item.

Realizing that OKRA was a hard item to find, and that he had to dig in many supermarkets before finally finding fresh OKRA. He decided to give OKRA a chance. 

He figured that it wasn’t a complete stranger talking to him that day, it was G_d talking through that nurse. He drank Okra for one full year and started taking notes on everything he was experiencing. He started noticing that he was taking less prescription medicine. He started exercising and had much more energy. He was eating regularly, including his favorite foods. He was feeling better and better everyday. 

On his last check up, his doctor told him that his A1C was 5.5 and his cholesterol level was where it needed to be. This is where Hector had the idea that this needs to be available for everyone. This website, this business, this entire product is now dedicated to share his experience to help people live a healthy life. OKRA has many other benefits as well, and Hector is just happy to be a blessed divine vehicle for OKRA. 

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